Whitehead Library Books
These books are now kept in the library on the second floor of 9CC. They are in the cabinets toward the back of the library on the left. If you are a Whitehead researcher and you want to borrow one of them, please sign the register so that other researchers know where the book is. Also please return it in a reasonable amount of time. There are also a few high-interest books marked "in Library Office, Room 221"See the Librarian for these.
Abraham Lincoln's DNA QH 431 .R38 2000
Advanced Molecular Biology QH 506 .T97 1998
All of Statistics (Wasserman)
QA 276.12 W37 2003
Analysis of Messy Data Vol. 1 Designed
Experiments QA 279.M48 2008
Anatomical Basis of Mouse Development QL 971 .K100
Antibodies: A Laboratory Manual QR 186.7. A53
Antisense Technology A Practical Approach QP 623.5 .A58.A586
Apoptosis II QH 671 .A663
Arabidopsis- An Atlas of Morphology & Development QK 495 .C9A69
At the Bench - A Laboratory Navigator R850 .B36 2004
Bacterial Protein Toxins QR 175 .W100 2013
Bartlett's Familiar Quotations 16th ed.
Basic Cell Culture Protocols 3rd. ed. QH 585.2 .B375 2005
Basic Immunology : Functions and Disorders of the Immune System 4th ed. QR181.A28 2014 (in
Library Office, Room 221)
Binding and Kinetics for Molecular Biologists QP 517.P76.G66 2007
Biochemical Calculations 2nd ed. QD 415 .3 S4
Biochemistry 6th ed [Stryer]. QP514.S66 2007
Biochemistry & Molecular Biology of Plants QK 861 .B45 2000
Bioinformatics QP 620 .B565 2nd ed. 2001(Baxevanis)
Bioinformatics Sequence and Genome Analysis QH 441.2 .M68 2000 (Mount)
Biology How Life Works QH308.2 .H100 2013 (in
Library Office, Room 221)
Biology of Cancer 2nd. ed(Weinberg) RC 268.4 W45 2014 (in
Library Office, Room 221)
Biology of Plants (Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology Vol. 77) QK 47 .C100 2013
Biometry QH323 . S63
Bloom & Fawcett : Concise Histology QM 551 .F337 1996
Botany 2nd ed. QK 47 .M100 1998
Cancer Immunotherapy : Immune Suppression and Tumor Growth 2nd ed. 2013 RC 271.I45.P100
Library Office, Room 221)
Case Against Perfection QH 438.7.S2634 2007
Case Studies in Cancer RC 267 .L100 2019 (in
Library Office, Room 221)
Cell and Tissue Ultrastructure QM551.C75
The Cell Cycle: A Practical Approach QH605. C423
The Cell Cycle : an introduction QH 605 .M95
Cell Cycle Control QH 605 .C4255
Cell Culture QP356.C44 1990
Cell Death QH 671 .C100
Cell Lineage and Fate Determination QL 963.5 .C435
Cells - A Laboratory Manual (3 vols.) QH 583.2 S64 1997
Cholesterol Wars RC 692 .S724
Chromatin A Practical Approach QH 599 . C45 1998
Clocks and Rhythms (Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology
72) QH 527 .C100 2007
The Coiled Spring How Life Began QH 453 .B53 2000
Concise Oxford English Dictionary 12th ed. 2011
Control and Regulation of Stem Cells (Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative
Biology 73) QH 588 .C100 2008
CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics 82nd ed QD65. C88 2001
Culture of Animal Cells : A Manual of Basic Techniques QH 585.2 F74 4th ed.
Culture of Human Stem Cells QH 588 .S83.C85 2007
Data-Centric Biology : A Philosophical Study QH 331 L1 2016
Developmental Biology 9th ed. QL955. G48 2010 (in
Library Office, Room 221)
Dictionary of Genetics 7th ed. QH 427 K55 2006
Differentiation of Embryonic Stem Cells QP 601 .C719 Vol. 365 (Methods in
Directed Mutagenesis: a Pratical Approach QH465 D57
Discovering Genomics, Proteomics, and Bioinformatics QH 447 .C35 2002
DNA Microarrays QP 624.5 .D726.D63 2000
Drosophila: A Laboratory Handbook 2nd ed. QL537.D76.A84 2004 (Ashburner)
Drosophila: A Laboratory Manual QL537. D76A84 1989 (Ashburner)
Drosophila: A Practical Approach 2nd ed. 1998 QL 537.D76.D75
Drosophila Protocols QL 537. D765 2000
Early Development of Xenopus laevis QL 668 .E265 .S55 1998
The Eighth Day of Creation Expanded Edition QH 506 .J83
Elements of Style (Strunk & White) 4th ed. PE 1408 .S772 1999
The Embryonic Development of Drosophila melanogaster QL 958 .C36
Embryonic Stem Cell Protocols 2nd ed. QH 588 .S83.E46 2006
Epigenetics QH 450 .S956 1998
Epigenetics (Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology Vol. 69)
QH 450 .E1 2004
Essential Developmental Biology 2nd ed. QH 491 .S6 2006 (Slack)
Essentials of Glycobiology QP 552 .G59 .E87
of Stem Cell Biology 2nd ed. QH 581.2 E79 2009 (Lanza)
Essentials of Writing Biomedical Research Papers 2nd ed. R199 .Z45
Evolution (Ridley) QH 366.2.R524
Evolution : an introduction 2nd ed. QH 366.2 S714 2005
Evolution the Molecular Landscape
QH 366.2 E100 (Cold Spring Harbor Symposia
on Quantitative Biology Vol. 74)
Experimental Design for Biologists QH 323.5 .G565 2007
Field's Virology 5th ed. 2007 QR 360.V5125 (in
Library Office, Room 221)
Field's Virology Vol. 1 Emerging Viruses 7th ed. QR 360. F1. 2021 (Library Office, Room 221)
From Egg to Embryo 2nd ed. QL955. S54 (Slack)
Fundamental Laboratory Approaches for Biochemistry and Biotechnology
2nd ed. QP 519 .N55 2010
Fundamentals of Molecular Evolution QH 325 .I65 1999
Gastrulation - From Cells to Embryo QL 955 .G34 2004
Gene Transfer : Delivery and Expression of DNA and RNA QH 448.4 .G435
Genes and Signals QH 450 .P83 2002
Genes IX
QH430 .L487 2008 (Lewin) See Lewin for Genes
The Genetic Basis of Common Diseases RB155. G3593
A Genetic Switch QR342.P82
Genetics : Analysis of Genes and Genomes 5th ed. QH 430 .H3733 2000
Genetics from Genes to Genomics QH 430. G 458 2004
Genetics of Complex Human Diseases RB155
G1 2010
Genome Analysis Vol. 1 Analyzing DNA QH 445.2 G4645
Genome Analysis Vol. 2 Detecting Genes QH 445.2 G4645
Genome Analysis Vol. 3 Cloning Systems QH 445.2 .G4645
Genome Analysis Vol. 4 Mapping Genomes QH 445.2 .G4645
The Genome of Drosophila melanogaster QL 537 .D76
The Genome of Homo sapiens (Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative
Biology V. 68) QH 301 .C688
Genome War QH 431 .S5577 2004
Genomic Imprinting QH 450 .G466
Goodman & Gilman's Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics
12 th ed. 2011 RM300.G644 2011 (in
Library Office, Room 221)
Green Fluorescent Protein QP 552.G73G47 1998
Growth Factors: a Practical Approach QP552 .G76 G74
Guide to Techniques in Mouse Development (Methods in Enzymology
V. 225) QP 601 .C719
Guide to Yeast Genetics (3 Vols)((Methods in Enzymology,
Vols. 194, 350, 351 Guthrie & Fink))
Haemopoiesis : a Practical Approach QP91 H17
Handbook of Mathematical Formulas and Integrals QA47.
Handbook On Genetically Standardized JAX Mice QL 737
Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine 18th Edition 2011 RC46.H32 2011(in
Library Office, Room 221)
Histological and Histochemical Methods 4th ed. QM 556
.K53 2008
Histology a Text and Atlas 6th ed.(Ross) QM 551 .R67 2011 (in
Library Office, Room 221)
History and Geography of Human Genes QH 431 .C395 (Cavalli-Sforza)
A History of Genetics QH 428 .S78 2000
A History of Regeneration Research
QH 499 .H57
How Not to Study a Disease. Karl Herrup 2021 RC523.H1 (in Library Office)
Human Stem Cell Technology and Biology
QH 588.S83.S100 2011
Imaging in Neuroscience and Development - A Laboratory
Manual QP 357 .I48 2005
Imaging Neurons - A laboratory Manual QP 361 .Y87 1999
The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks RC 265.6.L24.S55 2009
Immunochemistry 1 A Practical Approach QR 183.6 I445
Immunochemistry 2 A Practical Approach QR 183.6 I445
Informed Consent R852.I5 2002
Immunology 5th ed. QR181. K83 2003 (Goldsby)
Inspiring Science - Jim Watson and the Age of DNA
QH 506.W4155 2003
Introduction to Electron Microscopy 3rd ed. QH 212 .E4W57 1980
An Introduction to Genetic Analysis 6th ed.QH 430 I62
An Introduction to Nervous Systems QP .G67 2006
Introduction to Protein Structure 2nd ed. QP 551 .B7635
Introductory Mycology 4th ed. QK 603 .A55 1996
Introduction to Systems Biology QH 324.2 .A46 2006
Janeway's Immunobiology 9th ed. QR
181 J37 2017 (in
Library Office, Room 221)
JAVA In A Nutshell QA 76.73 .J38.F553
Joslin's Diabetes Deskbook RC 660 .J1
Joslin's Diabetes Mellitus 14th ed. RC 660.J6 2005
The Laboratory Rat Vol. 2 Research Applications QL
737 .L2
LabRef Vol. 1 QP 519 .L197 2002
LabRef Vol. 2 QP 519 .L197 2007
Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry 6th ed. QD 415. L44 2013 (in Library Office, Room 221)
Lewin's Genes X
QH430 .L487 2010 (in
Library Office, Room 221)
Liposomes (4 Vols.) (( Methods in Enzymology V.
367,372,373,387))QP 601 .C719
Lizards in an Evolutionary Tree QL 666 .L2 .L67 2009
Lysomes-Biology, Diseases, Therapeutics QH 603 .L9 2016
Manipulating the Mouse Embryo 4th ed. QL737. R6.
M2468 2013 (in
Library Office, Room 221)
Manipulating the Mouse Embryo 3rd ed. QL737. R6.
M24 2003
March's Advanced Organic Chemistry QD 251.2 .M37
Medicine, Science, and Merck R154.V34A3 2003
Meiosis and Gametogenesis QH 605.3 .H100
The Merck Index 13 th ed. QV772.3.M555 2001
The Merck Manual 18th ed. RC55. M4 2006
Metabolism and Disease
Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology Vol.
76) QP 514.2.C100 2011
Methods in Arabidopsis Research QK 495 .M100
Methods in Cell Biology QH585. P929 (Vol. 31-Vol.
Library Office, Room 221)
Methods in Cellular Imaging QH 212 .F55 M48 2001
Methods in Yeast Genetics: A Cold Spring Harbor Course
Manual 2005 ed. QK623. M200
MHC Volume 1 A Practical Approach QR 184.315 .M462
MHC Volume 2 A Practical Approach QR 184.3 .M100
Microarray Bioinformatics QP 624.5 .D726
Microarray Gene Expression Data Analysis QP 624.5
.D726.C38 2003
Mitosis and Apoptosis QH 605.2 .B69
The Molecular and Cellular Biology of the Yeast Saccharomyces
Vol. 1 Genome Dynamics, Protein Synthesis, and Energetics
QK623. S23 M6
The Molecular & Cellular Biology of the Yeast
S.c Vol. 2 Gene Exp. QK623. S23 M6
The Molecular & Cellular Biology of the Yeast S.c Vol. 3 Cell Cycle & Cell
QK623. S23 M6
Molecular Approaches to Controlling Cancer (Cold
Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology Vol.
70) RC .M1
Molecular Biology of the Cell 6th ed. QH581.2 M64
2015 (Alberts) (in
Library Office, Room 221)
Molecular Biology of the Gene 7th ed. QH 506.M6627
2014 (Watson) (in
Library Office, Room 221)
Molecular Cell Biology 9th.ed QH581.2. M655 2021
(Lodish) (in
Library Office, Room 221)
Molecular Chaperones
QP551.M6157 1992
Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual 4th ed 2012 QH 442.2 .S26 2012
Molecular Evolution and Phylogenetics QH 390 .N45
A Monk and Two Peas : the Story of Gregor Mendel
and the Discovery of Genetics QH 31 .M45 .H100
Mosby's Medical Dictionary 8th ed. 2009
Motherhood, the Elephant in the Laboratory HQ 759
.M1 2008
Mouse Genetics QH 470 .M52 S587
The Mouse in Biomedical Research Vol. 1 History,
Genetics, and Wild Mice QL 737 .M1
The Mouse in Biomedical Research Vol. 3 Normative
Biology, Immunology, and Husbandry QL 737 .M3
The Mouse in Biomedical Research Vol. 4 Experimental
Biology and Oncology QL 737 .M4
Mouse Phenotypes - A Handbook of Mutation Analysis
QH 470 .M52 2004
Nature Encyclopedia of the Human Genome (5 vol.)
Neuropeptides QP 552 .N39.S73 1998
Non-Mendelian Genetics in Humans QH 431 .O796 1998
Nuclear Organization and Function QH 595 .N100 2010
Nuclear Receptors : a Practical Approach QP 572
Nuclear Receptors and Genetic Disease QP 572 .N100
Nucleosomes QP 601 .C719
On Being a Scientist Q180.A1.O5 1995
One Renegade Cell RC268.4 .W45 (Weinberg)
Organic Chemistry Structure and Reactivity 5th ed. 2004 QD 251.E1 2004
Overdosed America : the Broken Promise
of Medicine R151 .A23 2004
Oxford Atlas of the World 9th ed. 2001
Oxford New Concise World Atlas 2nd ed. 2007
PCR Primer QP606. D46
Perl Cookbook QA 76.73 .P100
Personalized Medicine : Prescriptions and Prospects
QH 445.2 H100 2011
Physical Biology of the Cell 2nd ed. QH 505.P455 2013
Library Office, Room 221)
Physical Chemistry 3rd ed. QH345. T56
Physicians Desk Reference (PDR) 63th ed. 2009
Plasmids: a Practical Approach QR76.6. P56
A Practical Guide to Protein and Peptide Purification
for Microse QP551. P648 1989 (Matsudaira
Principles of Biochemistry 6th ed. QD 415. L44 2013
(Lehninger) (in
Library Office, Room 221)
Principles of Development 2nd ed. QH
491 .P74 2nd.ed. 2002 (Wolpert)
Principles of Life QH308.2.P75 2012
Principles of Neural Science 4th ed.
QP 355 .P100 2000 (Kandel)
Principles of Virology Molecular Biology
Pathogenesis and Control QR 360 .P697
Prion Biology and Diseases 2nd ed. QR
502 .P745 2003
Protein Engineering (Methods in Enzymology
V. 388) QP 601 .C719
Protein Microarrays QP 551 .P69722 2004
Protein-Protein Interactions 2nd ed.
QP 551.P6975 2005
Protein Purification Techniques 2nd ed
QP 551 .P69758 2000
Protein Structure QP551. P398 (Perutz)
Proteins and Proteomics QP 551 .P697776
Pulsed Field Gel Electrophoresis - A Practical Guide QP 519.9 .P84.B100
Racing to the Beginning of the Road RC267.
W45 (Weinberg)
Recombinant DNA 3rd ed. QH 442. W1 2007
The Regulatory Genome QH 450 .D38 2006
Regulatory RNAs QP 623 .R100 2006
Retroviruses QR 201 R47R478 1997
RNA A Laboratory Manual QP 623.R5692
RNA World 3rd ed. QP 623 .R6 2006
RNAi A Guide to Gene Silencing QH 450 .R628
Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis
of Disease 8th ed. RB 111.R62 2010 (in
Library Office, Room 221)
Roget's International Thesaurus 5th
Scientific American Molecular Oncology
RC 268.4 . S37 (Weinberg)
Scientist's Guide to Talking with the
Media Q 225 .H39 2006
Sequence Analysis in a Nutshell QP
620 .M200 2003
Signal Transduction - a Practical Approach
QP552. G16 S5
Statistics for Experimenters QA 279
Stem Cell Assays QH 588 .S100 2007
Stem Cell Biology QH 587.S72 2000
Stem Cell Culture QH585.P929 2008
Stem Cells in Development and Disease
QH 587 .S100 2004
Strategies for Protein Purification
and Characterization QP551. M1
Stress Response - Methods and Protocols
QP 82.2 .S8.S100
A Student Handbook for Writing in Biology
3rd ed. QH 304. K59 2009
Telomeres 2nd ed. QH 600 .T277
Telomeres and Telomerase QH 600.3 .T455
TGF-Beta Family QP 552 .T72.T44 2007
Thermodynamic Data for Biochemistry & Biotechnology QP 517 T48 T47
Thomas Hunt Morgan -The Man and His Science QH429.2 .M67.A44 1978
TOR Target of Rapamycin QR 181. C 976
Transcription Factors : a Practical
Approach QP552 T73
The Triumph of the Embryo QM603. W65
UNIX in a Nutshell QA 76.76 .O63 .R100
Urm1 in tRNA Thiolation and Protein Modification
QP 552.V100 2011 (PhD Thesis)
Using Antibodies QR 186.7 .H1 1999
Video Microscopy 2nd. ed. QH 222 .I56
The Visual Display of Quantitative
Information 2nd. ed. QA 276.3 .T83
What is Life? : Five Great Ideas in Biology. Paul Nurse QH331 .N87 2021(in
Library Office, Room 221)
Weir's Handbook of Experimental Immunology
(4 Volumes) QR 183 .W38 1996
YAC Libraries TP248 .Y1
Yeast Protocols 2nd ed. TP 248.Y43.Y416
Your Inner Fish QM26.S58 2008